Chances and challenges for successful integration
Project period |
01.02.2018 – 31.01.2022
Project staff |
Prof. Dr. Tillmann Bartsch (head of the project)
Funding |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Cooperations |
I. Department of Criminology at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Dr. Barbara Bergmann
Paulina Lutz
Dr. Wolfgang Stelly
Dr. Wolfgang Thomas
II. Center of Islamic Theology at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Abdelmalek Hibaoui
III. Criminological Service Baden-Württemberg
Project description |
his research project leadingly conducted by the Department of Criminoloy at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen aims to study changes within juvenile correction facilities as a reaction to migration as well as obligatory (further) future changes due to demographic change.
It is to be scrutinized in what way the organisation of the daily routines in juvenile correction facilities meets the cultural peculiarities of muslim prisoners, especially of those recently immigrated. In particular, it is questioned if young muslim prisoners are already able to practice their religion adequately and equally within the restrictive conditions of the penal system or if the system needs to change to fulfill the requirements.
Furthermore, the project is to give insight on how the different forms of organisation and institutionalisation of muslim prison ministry have an impact on handling young prisoners as well as on their coexistence. Another crucial question of the project is to what extent muslim prison ministry represents a leverage point to counteract religiously motivated radicalisation of juvenile prisoners. Finally, it is to be analysed what particular problems emerge from living conditions of muslim prisoners for the juvenile correction facilities‘ central goals ʺeducation“ and ʺresocialization“ as well as how cultural diversity is taken into account in concepts and offers by prisoner support inside and outside prisons.
Further information about this research project, especially the current state of research, can be found on the homepage of the project: