
The Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) is an independent research institute mainly dedicated to understanding the preconditions and consequences of crime. Our criminological research is fundamental, practice-oriented, and interdisciplinary. We currently employ around 20 scientists from the fields of criminology, law, sociology, political science, and psychology, as well as a large number of student assistants and interns. The KFN is divided into three research units: Aetiology of Deviance, Victimology, and Institutions of Social Control, which are supported by a Methods Department.






Completed projects

Aetiology of Deviance

The development of criminal activity amongst the non-German population in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein

Radicalisation within the digital age (RadigZ)


Evaluation for the storage personal data of minors (Article 33 paragraph 2 VSG NRW)


Prevention and health promotion at vocational schools focused on addictive drug use and internet-related disorders of trainees (PARI)

Intimate partner violence against men – from shame to help

The Nordic Modell in the centre of Europe? – Impacts of the Corona-Pandemic in the field of Prostitution

Cybercrime against private users

Psychosocial trial support

Cyberattacks against companies

Special evaluation of adolescent consumer behavior and the use of addiction preventive offers in Lower Saxon

Institutions of social control

“Non-Punishment Principle” (NPP): Legal Basis and Application in Germany

Hostile / Discriminatory Acts in Soccer

Evaluation of the Lower Saxony Police and Regulatory Authorities Act (NPOG)

Nationwide Warning Day 2023

Client survey regarding transition management from prison to life in society

Mistakes and Retrials within Criminal Proceedings

Corona Behind Bars (CoBeBar)

Legal probation after release from open prison – a comparative study

Warning day 2022

Muslims in juvenile justice facilities

Evaluation of the penal provisions combating human trafficking (§§ 232 bis 233a StGB)

Police-issued eviction order

Social change and crime (until January 2021)


Immigration to Lower Saxony

Prejudice-Related Crime

Everyday experience and settings of refugees in Lower Saxony (ALFiN)

Migration and Crime
Strategies for the prevention of left-wing extremism in Lower Saxony

Cause and prevention of deviant behavior (until January 2021)

Klasse2000 (Class2000)

Pro Kind Follow Up

Prevention and treatment of substance and non-substance addictions in Lower Saxony

Media Protect

Internet and video game addiction

Pro Kind

“Lust auf Leben wecken”: Getting kids off the screen

Video game age ratings in Germany

Media use and school achievement

Media in childhood: Pilot project on intervention in media use among ten-year-olds

Evaluation of ‘LoGo’ Antiaggression Training Courses

Social control and sanctioning (until January 2021)

Evaluation of the youth restitution in Lower Saxony

Evaluation of police video surveillance in public places in NRW (§ 15a PolG NRW)

Evaluation of the Forensic Psychiatry in Lower Saxony

Evaluation of the youth detention in Schleswig-Holstein

Developmental consequences of incarceration (Hanover Prison Study)

Fragile Transitions: The integration of young men with prison experience into work and training

The influence of heroin prescription on the delinquency of opiate addicts

Volunteer work in Berlin correctional institutions

Victimisation in prison

Working in correctional institutions

Evaluating treatment of young sex offenders

The consequences of incarceration

The effect of the demographic change on crime trends and the work of police, justice, detention and probation service

Violence against police officers (2005 – 2009)

Violence against police officers (1985 – 2000)

Police in the progress of change

Causes of divergent developments in imprisonment rates

From talking about the to talking with them… The target group for ambulant sanctions

Needle exchange programme in the City of Hamburg prison system

Ambulant sanctions for juvenile offenders

Evalutation of the newly introduced option of youth detention in conjunction with youth penalty suspended on probation (shock detention)

Violence against police officers on operational and patrol duty in Lower Saxony

Crime + crime effects (until January 2021)

Rocker crime

Organized Crime concerning Domestic Burglary

Homicide of children aged 6-13 years in Germany

Transient burglars: Research project on convicted transient offenders

Criminological comparative regional analysis of burglary

Sexual abuse by Catholic clerics

Homicide of children aged 0–5 years in Germany

Fear of crime among older persons

Elderly victims of sexual violence: A neglected victim group?

Victimisation and trust in the system

KFN victim survey: Fear of crime among older persons

Prevention and intervention in human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation (PRIMSA)

Evaluation of the BISS counselling and intervention centres for victims of domestic violence

Monitoring of unreported crime and program evaluation (until January 2021)

Update of regional analyses of right-wing extremism in Schleswig-Holstein

Data analysis and documentation of the self-report survey in Schleswig-Holstein

Analysis of trends in crime committed by immigrants in Schleswig-Holstein

Victim survey 2011

Media use and punitivity