
KFN  receives an institutional funding from the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture.

In addition, KFN has attracted substantial external funding for almost all current research projects over the years. Sponsors include, or have included, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, the German Research Foundation), various other foundations, federal and state ministries, crime prevention bodies, cities, administrative districts and municipalities.

The state funding is essential in obtaining outside funding in that it enables KFN to attract leading experts from a range of disciplines who themselves raise research funding and create new jobs for researchers.


Organization chart

Board of Directors

Bliesener, Prof. Dr. Thomas (Director)
Bartsch, Prof. Dr. Tillmann (deputy Director)

Business Manager

Waldhof, Renate

Equal Opportunities Officer

Krieg, Yvonne


Becher, Lea
Borger, Christiane
Deyerling, Lena
Dreißigacker, Arne
Goede, Laura-Romina
Hahnemann, Anna
Henningsmeier, Isabel
Hirschmann, Jonah
Klebe, Dr. Laura
Kreft, Dr. Anne-Kathrin
Krieg, Yvonne
Küster, Robert
Labarta Greven, Nora
Lutz, Paulina
Müller, Philipp
Neumann, Merten
Rühs, Dr. Farina
Schröder, Carl Philipp
Schulz, Leonie
Schüttler, Helena
Seddig, PD Dr. Daniel
Steinmann, Dr. Jan-Philip
Treskow, Laura


Bergmann, Birgit
Mecklenburg, Eberhard
Pfeffer, Melanie
Ringler, Ricardo


Good scientific practice

In order to implement the DFG Code “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice”, the KFN has concluded a cooperation agreement with the University of Göttingen. According to this cooperation agreement, the guidelines adopted by the Senate of the Georg-August University of Göttingen on 29/09/2021 will be implemented

Rules of the University of Göttingen
Governing the Safeguarding of Good Research Practice

In particular, the ombudsman’s office can

  • questions on good scientific practice,
  • of suspected scientific misconduct and questions about possible steps in the ombudsman procedure,
  • a conflict based on a possible violation of the rules of good scientific practice, and counselling and/or mediation is required,

be contacted.

Dr. Katharina Beier
Phone: +49 551 39-24649
Web: Ombudsstelle für gute wissenschaftliche Praxis – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


You can also contact the supra-regional ombuds committee for scientific integrity in Germany.

Phone: +49 30/20370 484
Web: Ombudsman für die Wissenschaft | Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis