Heads of the research unit (equal responsibility):
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Kreft and Dr. Farina Rühs
The interdisciplinary research unit “Victimology” investigates crime and deviant behavior with a special focus on individual victims and their social networks, while also considering the societal and systemic implications of criminal and deviant behavior. The research unit thus continues a decades-long tradition of victimological research at the KFN, which has been characterized by large-scale victimization studies on various topics (e.g. burglary or cybercrime) designed to record also crimes that have never been formally reported.
Main research areas
The research unit focuses in particular on a processual perspective on victimization experiences and the associated coping processes (research focus 1: Victim experiences as a (developmental) process) as well as the reciprocal relationship between individual victim experiences and societal reactions (research focus 2: Victim experiences in societal context). In addition to these two main research areas, the research unit regularly endeavors to investigate in a more targeted manner specific victimological phenomena that play a prominent role in public discourse or that have received little attention in prior victim research (research area 3: Characteristics of specific victim experiences).
To address these research topics, we use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, with a strong focus on the integration of longitudinal studies and the application of experimental designs.
Current research projects
The three research foci are to be understood as complementary and partly overlapping categories that jointly serve as a common framework for the interdisciplinary research unit. Projects can be located within a single focus area or at the intersection of different focus areas. In a current project on violence against politicians, for example, we investigate individual coping processes and at the same situate victim experiences in the societal context as a whole.