The influence of heroin prescription on the delinquency of opiate addicts

Project period

2001 – 2006

Project staff

Dr. Rebecca Löbmann

Christian Wöller


Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und beteiligte Städte/Bundesländer

Project description

The Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony took part in the German model project on heroin prescription for opiate addicts. Using self-reported data on delinquency as well as police data on suspects, the study looked at whether drug-related crime declines to a greater extent in the heroin prescription group compared to a methadone control group.

A summary of the findings of the study is available on the project website.

Project related publications
  • Löbmann R. & Verthein U. (2009) Explaining the effectiveness of medical treatment for heroin addicts on crime re­ductions. Law and Human Behavior 33: 83-95.
  • Löbmann R. & Verthein U. (2007) Das Modellprojekt zur heroingestützten Behandlung Opiatabhängiger: Hintergrund – Umsetzung – Ergebnisse. Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis 39: 441-444.