Prevention and health promotion at vocational schools focused on addictive drug use and internet-related disorders of trainees (PARI)


Project period

01.09.2019 – 31.03.2023

Prroject staff

Arne Dreißigacker

Merten Neumann


Federal Ministry of Health


University of Lübeck (project manager, coordination: PD Dr. Hans-Jürgen Rumpf, Dr. Gallus Bischof, Dr. Anja Bischof)

University medicine Greifswald (data collection, data management, advice: Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer)

Swiss Institute for Addiction and Health Research (program development, advice: PD Dr. Dr. Severin Haug)

Project description

Vocational school students represent an important target group for the prevention of addictive drug use and Internet-related disorders. At the same time, there is a lack of uniform and well-evaluated prevention programs for this group.

The aim of the joint project, led by the University of Lübeck, is to develop and evaluate an addiction prevention program for the vocational school setting.

In detail, the project pursues the following objectives:

  1. Participatory modification of an evaluated prevention program.
  2. Embedding the program in the vocational school setting.
  3. Evaluation of concept (interview of experts), process (interview of teachers and students) and effectiveness (randomized control group study).
  4. Ensuring sustainability by developing an internet portal that provides concept descriptions, digital applications, materials and contacts.

The KFN is responsible for the evaluation containing concept evaluation, process evaluation and effectiveness evaluation:

Concept evaluation
In order to evaluate the validity of the concept, a Delphi study will be conducted with 30 experts from the fields of prevention, addiction and education as well as with students and teachers. The aim is to collect assessments and suggestions for improvement regarding quality criteria of the prevention concept. Furthermore, the aim is to bring together the requirements for prevention from the perspective of prevention and addiction professionals and the possibility of adapting to the school environment from the perspective of teachers and learners in an iterative process.

Process Evaluation
An online survey will be conducted with 300 students and 50 teachers after completion of the program. The aim is to test the acceptance and practicability of the prevention approach among both teachers and learners. Accordingly, the survey will cover questions about how elements of the program have been experienced, to what extent knowledge growth has been developed in both groups and which elements were perceived as less pleasant, impractical or obstructive.

Evaluation of effectiveness
Efficacy is tested using a cluster-randomized design with random assignment to intervention and control groups. The Randomization is done at class level to avoid spill-over effects. The sampling procedure takes into account the different training courses and other relevant characteristics based on adaptive stratified randomization process (minimization algorithm by Pocock & Simon 1975).


Project-related publications
  • Brandt, D., Schmidt, H., Gürtler, D., Möhring, A., Bläsing, D., Meyer, C., Neumann, M., Dreißigacker, A., Rehbein, F. & Rumpf, H.-J. (2023): Prävention bei Auszubildenden in Bezug auf Rauschmittelkonsum und Internetbezogene Störungen (PARI). Abschlussbericht an das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Online verfügbar unter, last checked on 15.09.2023.
  • Schmidt, H., Brandt, D., Bischof, A., Bischof, G., Sürig, S., Gürtler, D., Bläßing, D., Möhring, A., Meyer, C., Rehbein, F. Neumann, M., Dreißigacker, A., Eichele-Eschmann, S., Wenger, A., Haug, S. & Rumpf, H.-J. (2023). App-Based Coaching to Prevent Addictive Behaviors among Young Adults. SUCHT, 69(2), S. 65–74.