Sociologist (Diplom)
ContactPhone: +49 511/34836-76
Current projects |
since 09/2023 | Research associate (PostDoc) at KFN |
04/2022 – 03/2023 | Substitute Professor for Criminology, Institute of Criminology, University of Münster |
10/2021 – 03/2022 | Substitute Professor for Methods of Empirical Social Research, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Passau |
11/2019 | Habilitation (Venia Legendi in Sociology), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne |
04/2017 – 03/2019 and 10/2019 – 03/2021 |
Academic advisor, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, (currently on leave) |
04/2019 – 09/2019 | Substitute Professor for Empirical Social and Economic Research, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne |
09/2013 | Doctorate (Dr. phil.), Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld |
05/2013 – 12/2016 | Research Assistant, Institute of Sociology, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
08/2006 – 04/2013 | Research Assistant, Institute of Criminology, University of Münster, Germany |
06/2006 | Diploma in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University |
2001 – 2006 | Student assistant/tutor for statistics at Bielefeld University |
- Seddig, D. et al. (2024, 2. Dezember). Model-Based Tree Algorithms und die itembasierte Analyse von Messinvarianz in ländervergleichenden Studien [Konferenzbeitrag]. KFN-MethodLab Herbst-/Wintertagung Maschinelles Lernen und computergestützte Methoden in der Kriminologie, Hannover (online), Deutschland.
Seddig, D. (2024, 28. September). Rechtszynismus in Deutschland: Grundlagen, empirische Befunde und zukünftige Forschungsansätze [Konferenzbeitrag]. Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft (KrimG), Tübingen, Deutschland.
Bliesener, T., Seddig, D., & Hahnemann, A. (2024, 27. September). Zur spezialpräventiven Wirkung von Polizeikontakten nach früher Auffälligkeit [Konferenzbeitrag]. Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft (KrimG), Tübingen, Deutschland.
Eisentraut, M., Seddig, D., Davidov, E., & Schmidt, P. (2023, 19. Juli). Basic human values and willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der European Survey Research Association, Mailand, Italien.
- Seddig, D. (2021, 05. Januar). Approximate measurement invariance: Bayesian SEM and alignment optimization. Eingeladener Vortrag an der Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt, Deutschland.
- Seddig, D. (2021, 08. März). Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat. Eingeladener Vortrag an der City, University of London, England.
- Seddig, D. (2020, 09. Dezember). Dynamic panel models with maximum likelihood and structural equations. Eingeladener Vortrag an der Universität Mainz (BMBF-Projekt „DDR-Psych“), Deutschland.
- Seifert, N., Seddig, D., & Eckhard, J. (2019, 18. Juli). The impact of social isolation on health-related quality of life. A test of the social causation hypothesis using dynamic panel models with fixed effects [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Kroatien.
- Leitgöb, H., Seddig, D., & Enzmann, D. (2017. 19. Juli). Testing 9- and 12-item versions of the Grasmick et al. (1993) self-control scale for measurement invariance across cultural-contexts: A comparison of different approaches [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der European Survey Research Association, Lissabon, Portugal.
- Seddig, D., & Davidov, E. (2016, 02. Dezember). The concept of Bayesian approximate measurement invariance. Eingeladener Vortrag bei GESIS Mannheim, Deutschland.
- Seddig, D., & Davidov, E. (2016, 24. September). Values, attitudes towards violence, and violent offending. A test with the Schwartz theory of basic human values [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der European Society of Criminology, Münster, Deutschland.
- Seddig, D., & Leitgöb, H. (2015, 03. September). Bayesian SEM in criminology [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der European Society of Criminology, Porto, Portugal.
Seddig, D. (2012, 15. November). Trajectories of adolescent delinquency. Development and explanation [Konferenzbeitrag]. Konferenz der American Society of Criminology, Chicago, USA.
2024 | Introduction to Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling. GESIS Workshop Series, Mannheim: 28.-29.11.2024 | GESIS Mannheim |
FS 2024 | Einführung in Pfadanalyse, konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse und Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit R | Universität Zürich |
SoSe 2023 | Introduction to special analysis techniques
Übung Statistik 1 |
Universität zu Köln |
WS 2022/23 | Kultur- und ländervergleichende Kriminologie (VL)
Kriminologie und Kriminalsoziologie (VL) Kriminologie und strafrechtliche Praxis (VL) Soziale Kontrolle – Überwachung, Kriminalstrafe und Strafvollzug (SE) |
Universität Münster (Vertretungsprofessur) |
SoSe 2022 | Kriminologie und Kriminalsoziologie (VL)
Kriminologie und strafrechtliche Praxis (VL) Kriminologische Theorien und ihre empirische Bewährung (SE) Kriminalität, Überwachung und soziale Kontrolle im und durch das Internet (SE) |
Universität Münster (Vertretungsprofessur) |
WS 2020/21 | Einführung in die Statistik für Sozialwissenschaften (VL)
Regression mit R (SE) Empirical Methods (SE) |
Universität Passau (Vertretungsprofessur) |
SoSe 2021 | Comparative data analysis mit structural equation models in R (SE) | Universität zu Köln |
WS 2020/21 | Cross-cultural perspectives on deviance and crime (SE)
Life-course perspectives on deviance and crime (SE) |
Universität zu Köln |
SoSe 2020 | Analysis of longitudinal data (VL) | Universität zu Köln |
WS 2019/20 | Analyzing comparative data using structural equation modeling (SE) | Universität zu Köln |
SoSe 2019 | Analysis of longitudinal data (VL) | Universität zu Köln (Vertretungsprofessur) |
WS 2018/19 | Analyzing comparative data using structural equation modeling (SE) | Universität zu Köln |
SoSe 2018 | Advanced structural equation modeling (SE) | Universität zu Köln |
WS 2017/18 | Cross-cultural perspectives on deviance (SE)
Praxisseminar: Jugend und Devianz (SE) |
Universität zu Köln |
SoSe 2017 | Anomie und Desintegration (SE)
Werte, Einstellungen und Verhalten in der Soziologie (SE) |
Universität zu Köln |
Frühjahrssemester 2016 | Methodenpraktikum (SE)
Cross-country comparisons of values and attitudes using SEM (mit E. Davidov) (SE) |
Universität Zürich |
Herbstsemester 2015 | Desintegration und Anomie (SE)
Multivariate data analysis (SE) |
Universität Zürich |
Frühjahrssemester 2015 | Individualistische Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (SE)
Measurement and causal models in comparative research (SE) |
Universität Zürich |
Herbstsemester 2014 | Multivariate data analysis (SE) | Universität Zürich |
Frühjahrssemester 2014 | Measurement and causal models (SE) | Universität Zürich |
Herbstsemester 2013 | Multivariate data analysis (SE) | Universität Zürich |
WS 2010/11 | Soziale Kontrolle, Sicherheit und Strafrecht (SE) | Universität Münster |
SoSe 2010 | Juvenile delinquency in international perspective (mit K. Boers) (SE) | Universität Münster |
WS 2009/10 | Introduction to data analysis mit Mplus (SE) | Universität Bielefeld |
SoSe 2009 | Überwachung und Kontrolle (SE) | Universität Münster |
WS 2008/09 | Kriminalitätstheorien und ihre empirische Überprüfung (SE) | Universität Münster |
SoSe 2008 | Juvenile delinquency – International perspectives (SE) | Universität Münster |
WS 2006/07 | Multivariate Datenanalyse mit SPSS (SE) | Universität Bielefeld |
VL = Lecture; SE = Seminar; Event language as indicated
Sonstige (freiberufliche) Kurse
2023 | Comparative social research with multiple group SEM | GESIS Spring Seminar |
2023 | Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling | Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis |
2022 | Comparative research with confirmatory factor Analysis/SEM | GESIS Training Workshop |
2022 | Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling | Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis |
2022 | CLOSER Consortium training workshop “Longitudinal measurement invariance” | CLOSER Consortium London |
2021 | Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling | Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis |
2017 | Structural equation modeling for longitudinal and panel data | 6th GESIS summer school in survey methodology |
2016 | Testing survey data for measurement equivalence across countries and time | 5th GESIS summer school in survey methodology |
2015 | Testing survey data for measurement equivalence across countries and time | 4th GESIS summer school in survey methodology |
2015 | Longitudinal data analysis | University of Hamburg |
Event language as indicated
Glückstad, F., Kobayashi, H., Seddig, D., Davidov, E., & Nakamura, R. (2024). Personal beauty values: Development and validation of a multidimensional measurement scale. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
- Hasselhorn, F. A., Sattler, S., Kroneberg, C., & Seddig, D. (2024). The self-control ability scale: Measuring a key construct of situational action theory. Justice Quarterly, 1–28.
- Seddig, D. (2024). Assessment of the dimensionality and comparability in legal cynicism measurement. Justice Quarterly, 1–26.
Seddig, D. (2024). Latent growth models for count outcomes: Specification, evaluation, and interpretation. Structural Equation Modeling, 31(1), 182–198.
- Reinl, A.-K., Seddig, D., Dennison, J., & Davidov, E. (2024). Basic human values and preferences for an EU-Wide social benefit scheme. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(2), 564–582.
- Leitgöb, H., Seddig, D., Asparouhov, T., Behr, D., Davidov, E., De Roover, K., Jak, S., Meitinger, K., Menold, N., Muthén, B., Rudnev, M., Schmidt, P., & van de Schoot, R. (2023). Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives. Social Science Research, 110, 102805.
- Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D., & Davidov (2022). Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces virus-related fears: Findings from a German longitudinal study. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 878787.
- Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D., Davidov, D., Ajzen, I., & Schmidt. P. (2022). Correlates of COVID-19 vaccination intentions: Attitudes, institutional trust, fear, conspiracy beliefs, and vaccine skepticism. Social Science and Medicine, 302, 114981.
- Seifert, N., Seddig, D., & Eckhard, J. (2022). Does social isolation affect physical and mental health? A test of the social causation hypothesis using dynamic panel models with fixed effects. Aging & Mental Health, 26(7), 1353–1367.
- Leitgöb, H., Seddig, D., Schmidt, P., Sosu, E., & Davidov, E. (2021). Longitudinal measurement (non-)invariance in latent constructs: Conceptual insights, model specifications and testing strategies. In: A. Cernat, & J. W. Sakshaug (Eds.), Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data (pp. 211–257). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sattler, S., Seddig, D., & Zerbini, G. (2021). Assessing sleep problems and daytime functioning: a translation, adaption, and validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale for non-clinical application (AIS-NCA). Psychology & Health, 38(8), 1006–1031.
- Davidov, E., Seddig, D., Gorodzeisky, A., Raijman, R., Schmidt, P., & Semyonov, M. (2020). Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: Individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 553–573.
- Seddig, D. (2020). Individual attitudes toward deviant behavior and perceived attitudes of friends: Self-stereotyping and social projection in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(3), 664–677.
- Seddig, D. (2020). Maximum likelihood and structural equations for dynamic panel models. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J. W. Sakshaug, & R. A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
- Seddig, D., & Lomazzi, V. (2019). Using cultural and structural indicators to explain measurement noninvariance in gender role attitudes with multilevel structural equation modeling. Social Science Research, 84, 1023282.
- Davidov, E., Dülmer, H., Cieciuch, J., Kuntz, A., Seddig, D., & Schmidt, P. (2018). Explaining measurement non-equivalence using multilevel structural equation modeling. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(4), 729–760.
- Heim, E., Ajzen, I., Schmidt, P., & Seddig, D. (2018). Women’s decisions to stay in or leave an abusive relationship: Results from a longitudinal study in Bolivia. Violence Against Women, 24(14), 1639–1657.
- Pöge, A., & Seddig, D. (2018). Werte und abweichendes Verhalten. In D. Hermann & A. Pöge (Eds.), Kriminalsoziologie: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (pp. 149–170). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Seddig, D., & Davidov, E. (2018). Values, attitudes toward interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violent behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 604.
- Seddig, D., & Leitgöb, H. (2018). Approximate measurement invariance and longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis: concept and application with panel data. Survey Research Methods, 12(1), 29–41.
- Seddig, D., Hirtenlehner, H., & Reinecke, J. (2017). Beeinflussen Sanktionsrisikoeinschätzungen das delinquente Handeln junger Menschen oder ist es umgekehrt? Befunde einer deutschen Längsschnittuntersuchung. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 69(2), 259–282.
- Seddig, D., & Reinecke, J. (2017). Exploration and explanation of self-reported delinquency trajectories in the Crimoc study. In A. Blokland, V. van der Geest (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of life-course criminology (pp. 159–178). London: Routledge.
- Seddig, D. (2016). Crime inhibiting, interactional and co-developmental patterns of school bonds and the acceptance of legal norms. Crime and Delinquency, 62(8), 1046–1071.
- Seddig, D. (2014). Peer group association, the acceptance of norms and violent behaviour: A longitudinal analysis of reciprocal effects. European Journal of Criminology, 11(3), 319-339. (paper received the “ESC Young Criminologist Award 2015”)
- Reinecke, J., & Seddig, D. (2011). Growth mixture models in longitudinal research. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95(4), 415–434.
Boers, K., Reinecke, J., Seddig, D., & Mariotti, L. (2010). Explaining the development of adolescent violent delinquency. European Journal of Criminology, 7(6), 499–520.