The results of a Germany-wide survey of 5,000 companies with ten or more employees on the subject of cyber-attacks, which was carried out as part of the project “Cyber-attacks against companies”, are now also available in English in KFN Research Report No. 158. In particular, the survey focused on the… Read more →
New research report: Cyber-attacks against companies in Germany
As part of the project “Cyber-attacks against Companies”, a nationwide survey of 5,000 companies with ten or more employees on the subject of cyber-attacks was conducted between August 2018 and January 2019. In particular, the survey focused on the prevalence of different types of cyber-attacks within a year, their consequences… Read more →
New research report “right-wing extremism in Schleswig-Holstein”
As part of the project “Update of regional analyses of right-wing extremism in Schleswig-Holstein”, which was funded by the Schleswig-Holstein State Prevention Council, a representative survey of 2,824 seventh and ninth grade pupils was conducted at general schools between February and June 2018. The project can be seen as a… Read more →
New research report “Perspectives of adolescents”
The research report “Perspectives of adolescents. Results of a survey regarding politics, religion and community within the framework of the project ‘Radicalisation within the digital age‘“ (German: Perspektiven von Jugendlichen. Ergebnisse einer Befragung zu den Themen Politik, Religion und Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des Projektes „Radikalisierung im digitalen Zeitalter (RadigZ)“) is… Read more →
New research report “Offender organization and criminal investigations with regard to organised residential burglary”
The research report of the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony e.V. (KFN) concerning organized residential burglary is now available in English. The project is co-financed with resources from the Internal Security Fund of the European Union. Europol is the consulting partner of the project. The report presents results of… Read more →